What Might Have Been

In 1997, I left home to join the Royal Navy, on the 27th of April.

In 2023, I did my first gig onboard a Royal Navy ship, on the 27th of April!

I was only in ‘The Mob' for around two years, and it had it's up's and down's… It's probably obvious that for me, at that time, there were more down's than up's, otherwise I'd have been in for more than two years 🤷🏻‍♂️

But it was a great day last Thursday. I got to perform close-up magic for the officers, ratings and their visiting families and friends, as well as a full children's magic and puppet show for the little ones.

In between the magic, I stood on the deck of the HMS Prince Of Wales, and spoke to anyone and everyone about life in the blue suit. And I told everyone and anyone that would listen, that I was briefly in the Navy, and I couldn't help but wonder what might have been if I'd really committed to it.

I would have seen the world by now.

I would probably have more ‘friends’, of a sort.

I wouldn't be a magician.

I would be working a lot more. And probably not having as much fun doing so.

I'd be wearing what I was told to, instead of what I wanted.

I'd have job security and a guaranteed abode, always.

Listen, the armed forces, as a career path, is an incredible way for those who are of the right mindset and inclination, but for me… well, for me, I just feel like I made the right choice.


Am I Losing My Love For Magic?


This & That