The Benefits To A Parent

If you are a parent or a carer, you might wonder why you should consider hiring a children's entertainer for that next party.

Here are some of the benefits of hiring me…

  • You Can Leave Me To It - Just tell me where to stand, point the kids at me, and for the next hour or two, you can sit back and enjoy the show!

  • You're Creating A Memory - I think I can remember about three of the gifts I received as birthday gifts in my childhood, but I can remember almost every single experience. Your child will always remember the time a magician with funny animal friends came along to their party!

  • I Speak To The Kids As Their Pal - Some entertainers come across as stern and a bit grumpy (“Sit quietly, watch the magic, applaud”) but I'm there to give the kids a laugh, and to be honest, have a laugh myself!

  • Look At The Faces - When you see the reactions, you know it's worth the money!


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