Going Live!

In January 2020, I hosted my first live, ticketed show. It went well! Tickets were cheap and it was aimed at families, so I did expect a decent turn out. It almost sold out! I didn't expect that.

That night really encouraged me to carry on. I planned to book more venues across Central Scotland and spread laughter as far as I could.

And then, well, we all know what happened in early 2020.

But now, we’re going for Take 2!

I don't want to say too much (because anything can happen, and I'm scared of jinxing it 😂) but in March I will be returning to the same venue as before, with a bigger and better family show, and all going well, I will be touring the country… watch this space!

Oh! And tickets go on sale today!!


Meet The Gang… Disco


Stand-Up? Sit Down!