Lesson Learned

I booked a venue, I wrote a whole new (themed) show, and I kept ticket prices reasonably low.

But I didn't think about the time I spent at primary school.

You see, traditionally, where I'm from, schools host a Halloween disco, and it's always on the evening of the Friday nearest Halloween.

This year that is the 28th of October, the exact same date, and time of my show. I had sold twenty tickets by noon of the 27th for a 90+ venue, and as much as I wrestled with the decision, (because I didn't want to let those twenty people down), I came to the difficult decision to cancel the show.

It was a shame, but as soon as one person mentioned the disco's, it hit home. And I hit my forehead with my palm 🙄

Next time, I'll think about the date, and on the plus side, I know that ticket sales weren't low because of my actual work 😅


Paging Dr. Hill


Story Time (6) What's In A Name?