Feeling Hot, Hot, Hot…

These last few weeks have been incredibly busy, with school shows, gala days, private parties and weddings to perform at… and they have been hot!

I have sweated a lot, and a couple of things I've learned over the years are…

Wear Sunscreen!

Hydrate… Drink Lots Of Water!

Use The Shade! If you can perform out of the sun, do.

Take A Spare Shirt! Sweat may dry, but when it does, it often smells. If you have a second or third performance after a particularly sweaty first one, you'll be glad of some fresh clothing.

Wear Light Socks! People don't realise how much the feet regulate body temperature.

Let me know your top tips for keeping cool in the extreme heat.


You Take The Rough With The Smooth


And The Band Played On…