Story Time (4) Life On The Ocean Wave

A few years ago, I was very excited to join the crews of Brittany Ferries and P & O ships. I was tasked with entertaining the travelling families twice a day.

For the first trip, Chester, Scruffy, Harris and I all took a twelve hour drive to Plymouth before setting sail. (I learned to split the journey up after that!)

I have been at sea before with no issues, and the first night was absolutely fine, but the next morning, ten minutes before I stepped on stage, I was suddenly hit with a bout of seasickness! I rushed off, and came back armed with the age old remedy of ginger biscuits. (The ginger settles the stomach)

I didn't go far, compared to the big cruise liners, but I did get to spend a fair amount of time in Roscoff, Bruges, Plymouth and Hull. Some of those places sound more interesting than others, but Hull was the City Of Culture that year and the city centre was filled with circus performers and free shows.

I would recommend jumping onboard a ferry if given the chance, as I had a lot of fun, meet some great people and got a little bit of travel under my belt.

One task I had onboard my last vessel, was to judge the kids colouring contests. This was what they were given…

And this is what one happy child returned. I wanted to give them 2nd prize but was out-voted πŸ˜‚


Lights, Camera, Magic!


Perishable Skills