Cancelled Gigs…

It happens. Sometimes something comes up and the person who booked me can't go ahead with the prior arrangement.

Most of the time, this can be rearranged so the clients deposit isn't lost, however sometimes it does mean that they lose it. And sometimes, they haven't paid a deposit, but say they will closer to the date, and don't and then cancel and…

Anyway, when I have three bookings in one day, and the first gig is cancelled, I can have a lie in, or a longer shower, or a bigger breakfast, or just a bit more time relaxing before I head off. And if the last gig is cancelled, I can get home earlier than expected.

But, as with today, when the middle party cancels, it equals three hours of me sitting in my car, watching YouTube videos and eating chocolate bars.

So please, if you do need to cancel, I completely understand, but please, please, please give me some notice so I don't almost fall into a chocolate coma on my driver's seat.

Anyway, it's great to be back performing!


‘Why Should I Hire A Magician?’


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