Child's Play

So often, and ever since I got into magic, I've heard so many other magicians say 'I don't do kids magic,’ as if it's beneath them. It's absolutely fair enough if, as an entertainer, you choose not to go down a certain route, whether it's by personal choice or because you feel it's not your forté. But don't look down on those who do take that path.

I do perform kids magic, and I do perform magic for adults. With a bit of confidence and the right people skills (and after doing it a couple of times), performing for a grown up audience is fairly easy… Maybe easy isn't the right word, but it's straightforward.

Performing for kids? That is an ever changing landscape!

I love it because I get to play with my toys, and my puppets, I get to act the fool (which isn't too hard) and I hear constant laughter!

It's the snobbery that gets to me though. That view of certain performers who think magic for kids isn't real magic… I think I have some bad news for them.

I honestly believe that getting really good at performing for younger crowds had made me better at performing for older crowds.

My work these days is pretty much 50/50 between corporate/wedding gigs and kids parties, but if it came to it (and I hope it doesn't) and I was forced to choose one path to follow, I think the kids have it. The laughter and the memories I'm building with these girls and boys outweigh almost anything else in magic. Entertainment should be that; entertaining. Do what you enjoy and enjoy what you do.


Miles And Miles


Lights, Camera, Magic!