Little Seedlings

I saw this dandelion, seeds ready to be blown off, so I took a photo first.

Every single seed on the plant will blow away, and many will land in the right place to grow, and blossom into a fully grown dandelion. And then, eventually, they'll turn to a ball of flying seeds, which will fly off and grow into more plants, and so on…

If you perform magic, or share stories, or tell jokes, or sing songs, or whatever, you are planting seeds.

I wouldn't have learned a card trick if I hadn't seen David Blaine do some incredible things with a deck. I wouldn't be a comedy performer if I hadn't almost wet myself the first time I saw Mr Bean on TV.

So remember, whatever you share will have an impact. You might just be planting a seed in the mind of the next Houdini, Bruce Springsteen or J.K Rowling…


Committing To The Role

