Lost In Translation

In person I am always up for a laugh. I do my best to inject humour into any (appropriate) situation. It can be taken the wrong way, but 99.99% of the time, people get it. They know I'm sharing a laugh with them, and I go out of my way to make sure everyone knows I'm not being mean or nasty.

When communicating via text or email though, I make very few jokes or funny comments. I’ve learned, mostly from previous relationships, that is far too easy for some things to get lost in translation. ‘Oh really,’ for example can be taken as sincere or sarcastic.

Sometimes though, it's a small spelling mistake that can mess things up, so before you hit ‘send’ just make sure you double check what you're sending, and to whom! This is a genuine interaction I had 🙄…

(And whatever you do, if using social media to send a, let’s say ‘confidential' message do not hit send to all! Trust me on this one.


Don't Stop Believing


Here We Go!