Regularly Scheduled Programming

I'm currently onboard a Boeing 737-800, heading home to Scotland, from Lanzarote. It's 9.40pm on the 1st of August.

By the time you read this, I should have been home for at least a few weeks.

You see, I've started something that's helped me a lot. I've started to schedule my blog posts.

It has been out of necessity. I know I'm going to be busy throughout the whole of August, performing at the Edinburgh Fringe Festival, and dealing with all that comes with that.

It's something I wish I had done ages ago!

I haven't created this. It's something plenty of people do, but I can now attest to it's efficiency.

Today alone, I've written 3 blog posts, and plan to write at least one more after this, and I know that's this part of my website taken care of for the month.

If you share any type of content, give it a try!

And let me know how you get on.


Familiar Ground…


Edinburgh Fringe Festival… The End!