Subtle Changes…

Every single show is different.

There are so many pictures of me holding a certain puppet friend, or holding a pair of conical boxer-shorts, and a lot of my shows follow a certain pattern, but every single show has a different joke, a few different lines from myself or Chester, or a new way of presenting a trick.

It's all because of adapting to the circumstances. A child might come out with a great line, which will illicit a laugh from me, and I'll need to think fast to provide a suitable response.

There have been lots of occasions where I ask a child to come and help me with a piece of magic, and they'll happily come and stand next to me, and then loudly declare that they need the toilet! This always gets a good laugh from the audience, and forced me to ad-lib. I love it!

Adapt and overcome! As entertainers… as people interacting with others, we must do this. It makes things easier, and more fun.


Guessing Game

