Kids Vs Adults

I don't know how many magicians I've met who sat they don't/won't do kids shows. Nine times out of ten, I believe they mean they can't do kids shows (or at least believe they can't).

Sometimes this is an entertainer being honest, holding their hands up and saying ‘It’s not something I fancy doing. I just think I'm better at performing for adults.’ That's totally fair enough. Other times though, it's misplaced arrogance where a magician makes it clear to everyone within earshot, that they believe kids magic is beneath them.

If they only knew.

I've performed for all ages. In fact, there was a Sunday afternoon a few years ago where I performed at a first birthday party, and then traveled thirty miles to perform at a one hundredth birthday party! Anyway, the truth is that any age group can be great fun and any age group can be a nightmare! In general though, I definitely think that it is tougher to be a good kids entertainer. Children are harsh! They will get up and walk away if you're not keeping them interested. They'll publicly tell you if they think you suck. They'll throw things at you and start rummaging through your magic case.

But, if you're good, and you keep them laughing (which, in my opinion, is far more important than the magic), they will love you!

Adults might tip of they've enjoyed the show (£60 is the most I've received so far), but kids will give you a lollipop, or draw you a brilliant picture (there are a couple of examples below) and even, before the whole pandemic thing, they'd run up and give you a hug!

I don't say I prefer working for kids or adults because I love both, but there is just a little bit more magic in the air when you're the one making kids laugh.


They're Alive!


Can You See The Light?