That's A Nice Name

I met a father and son recently, and the little boy helped me with some magic. I asked his name and he said 'Fox'. I looked at him and asked him to repeat it. He said 'Fox'. I looked at his dad and he also confirmed that I was hearing right. ‘Yes, his Nant’s Fox,’ he said.

That's a cool name.

I hear a lot of less-common names in my job, usually with kids. No matter what age the person is though, I never ever make fun.

This person might be bullied because of their name, or they're simply fed up of hearing the same jokes over and over again (Luke… Alexa…)

I know how annoying it can be having a slightly unusual name (not Lee, that would be too easy 🙄)

Always, always be kind with regards to someone's name, especially a child's.


You Wear A Jacket


Many Thanks…