Mistaken Identity

I used to drive a black Ford Mondeo. I loved it. It was spacious and powerful and an automatic!

I bought magnetic sheets advertising my business and put one on each side of the car. They were big signs; red lettering with a white background.

I took the car round to the local shop one day, parked up and went inside. When I came out, a nice old man nodded to me. I nodded back and got in my car.

So did he. β€˜Just take me to the train station, son,’ he said.

I looked at him. He looked at me. I just started the engine and was ready to take him, but he said β€˜Is this a taxi?’

He realised his mistake, we both laughed about it and he got out to wait for an actual taxi.

I worked for eighteen months at Viva Brazil in Glasgow, offering close-up magic to the diners. Every single week, someone would ask for their bill, or for a drink, or complain to me about something. It's understandable, but at the same time, it's not that big a restaurant so some of them must see me performing before I reach them(?)

Whether I've been asked to go along and do magic in a shop, at a college/university, a cinema or a nightclub, people always assume I'm some weirdo in a suit. They're not wrong, but luckily I can usually convince them to let me share a little bit of magic with them. That usually fools them into thinking I'm a magician, and not just a weirdo.

The best one though, was when I was traveling home on a train after a late night gig, sitting in my three-piece suit, holding my silver briefcase and I heard a group of teenagers muttering to each other that I was CID πŸ˜‚

I let those guys believe whatever they wanted to.


My Room Looks Like A Jumble Sale


Ring Rust